Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Another link to the Smiley Face drownings?

There's apparently some interest in a 10 year old drowning case which may be linked to the Smiley Face Drownings:

From 10TV:

ATHENS, Ohio — 10TV News on Tuesday learned that investigators were re-examining evidence in the drowning of an Ohio University student 10 years ago.

Police originally determined that there was no foul play in the death of Keith Noble, 10TV's Cara Connelly reported.

According to investigators, Noble, 19, disappeared after a night of drinking on April 24, 1998. About two weeks later, his body was found in the Hocking River.

Now two retired New York City police detectives believe the drowning deaths of 40 male college students – including Noble's – are connected, Connelly reported.

How the investigation is going from "no foul play" to homicide is a question. I'll be interested in seeing if this pans out, or is just speculation.

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